Daily Online Prayer Service
Monday through Saturday at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom
Streamed live on YouTube Tuesdays and Thursdays
Monday through Saturday at 6:00 p.m. on Zoom
Streamed live on YouTube Tuesdays and Thursdays
Wednesdays, 6:30-7:25 pm, March 12 to April 9
Exploring the many connections between the Christian Walk and the 12 Steps of AA
Those familiar with AA. Those not!
Those familiar with the Christian tradition. Those not!
Thank you to Laura Blanton for once again compiling an in-house Lenten Devotianal! For each of the forty days of Lent, you can read a short passage of scripture along with a reflection written by someone from our own Fourth family. It’s not too late to join in! Follow the link below to use the PDF of the devotional, or stop by the church to pick up a print copy.
Adult Sunday School Class Series: Everything in Between
Sundays January 12 through March 2, 9:30 am
Meets in 5 Vinton
Bible study led by Rev. Tim Hughes Williams on the gospel according to John, with book “Encounters with Jesus: Studies In The Gospel of John” by Francis Taylor Gench as optional partner text.
We are in the great in-between, the fleeting weeks between Christmas and Lent. What a perfect time to take a fresh look at the stories of Jesus between the birth narratives and the Passion. The Adult Education class (Sundays, 9:30am, Vinton Kitchen) will read much of the Gospel of John over 8 weeks, with special attention to the events of Jesus’ adult ministry. Each Sunday, there will be focal text to discuss in class, but motivated readers can read the entire Gospel along the way.
You can purchase “Encounters with Jesus” here: https://www.amazon.com/
January 12: The Word Made Flesh (read John 1-2 and/or Gench Chapter 1)
January 19: Entrance & Exit Points (John 2:1-2 and 19:16-30 and/or Gench Chapter 2)
January 26: A Clandestine Encounter (John 3:1-21 and/or Gench Chapter 3)
February 2: Conversation At The Well (John 4:1-42 and/or Gench Chapter 4)
February 9: Images of Life (John 6: 8-9, 10, 14, 15 and/or Gench Chapter 5)
February 16: Between A Rock & A Hard Place (John 7:53-8:11 and/or Gench Chapter 6)
February 23: A Journey To Sight (John 9 and/or Gench Chapter 7)
March 2: The Gift of Life (John 11:1-53 and/or Gench Chapter 8)
Practica tu Español: Spanish Conversation Group
Mondays, 5:30-6:30 pm – practice conversation
Meets in 5 Vinton
Facilitated by Andrea, a native of Colombia
Need to brush up on your Spanish? Have lots of practice on Duolingo but want to practice speaking it? People of all levels are invited to our Spanish conversation group!
If you are interested, please drop in!
And if you are fluent in Spanish and want to help others practice speaking, please contact Janine to let her know! janine.warrington@fourthboston.org
Help lead songs in worship on Sundays, and/or join us for special events like the Passion Play and the Christmas Concert!
All are welcome to join! No experience necessary
Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m. In person at the church
Are you experiencing trauma or loss?
Do you carry wounds that no one else sees?
Come share your stories. Or just listen. Let’s heal together.
1st Monday of the month – Arts-based program – 7:30 PM, in person
3rd Monday of the month – 7:30 PM, in person
Our church retreat to Wilmot, New Hampshire took place Sept 6-8 this year, with the theme of hope.
Stay connected for announcements on future retreats!
Red captured some amazing photographs of our 2024 retreat! Check them out at the link below: